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Turnover released “Pure Devotion, its newest single, off of the band’s record “Good Nature,” at the end of last year. The song is dreamy soft-soul indie pop with a romantic streak. Pivoting between glassy and reverb-heavy chords high on the guitar neck, the song is about that timeless subject of popular song, eternal love.

If there’s an area of overlap between the billowy-linen California radio pop of LANY and the slightly more overtly arty sensibilities of bands like Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Turnover occupies that zone. Some of the sleek sounds and steady rhythms are absorbed from synth pop and then transferred to a guitar context.

The album art is hot-pink dayglo safari, but the music has more of a powder-blue, misty feel. But maybe that’s just me. Turnover, from Virginia, have evolved a lot since its first record, “Magnolia” from 2013. The band has moved toward a polished and suave sound.

See Turnover at Toad’s Place, 300 York St., New Haven, on Sunday, March 25, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $22., 203-624-8623.