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Even casual followers of pop culture over the last four decades could probably pick out a bunch of Jackson Browne songs, either from movies they’ve seen (“Somebody’s Baby” in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High,” or even “Running On Empty” in “Forrest Gump”), classic rock-radio saturation (you’ll probably hear “The Load Out” or “Doctor My Eyes” if you tune in right now) or hiliarously dated music videos (“Lawyers In Love” deserves a special shout-out). This summer, Browne stripped back all his hits to their acoustic origins for a series of intimate shows at good-sounding sheds all over the country, mixing up setlists to the delight of fans. It all leads to two new Browne collections — the 40th anniversary re-release of his exceptional “Late For the Sky” record and a brand new studio album — that will see the light of day in 2014. Browne performs at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford on Friday, Aug. 22.

JACKSON BROWNE performs a solo acoustic show on Friday, Aug. 22 at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford. Showtime is 8 p.m. Tickets are $39-$59. Information: