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A ‘Brutally Honest’ Taste Of Anthony Bourdain’s Hunger Tour At Foxwoods

Anthony Bourdain shares a beer and a bowl of noodles with President Obama in Hanoi.
Anthony Bourdain shares a beer and a bowl of noodles with President Obama in Hanoi.

Don’t expect over-the-top theatrics during Anthony Bourdain’s upcoming live tour “The Hunger.” “Sadly, there will be no T-shirt cannons or giant blenders,” says the TV personality, chef and author, who will appear at Foxwoods on Oct. 8.

Bourdain’s latest show promises “an unyielding, brutally honest monologue reflecting on diverse culture, street cuisine and his travels to lesser-known locations around the world,” followed by an audience Q&A session.

“It’s what’s been eating me, or making me happy, or inspiring me or enraging me over the last few years,” he said in a recent phone interview.

The host of CNN’s Emmy-winning “Parts Unknown,” infamous for his acerbic wit, shared his thoughts on his new cookbook, the politics behind restaurant employment and his much-photographed casual noodle dinner with the leader of the free world.

Q: The eighth season of “Parts Unknown” debuts with an episode in Hanoi, Vietnam, during which you dined with President Obama. What kind of planning went into that opportunity?

A: We heard from the White House, I guess, about a year ago. A very, very tight circle of people were talking about this for the last year, looking for a place to do a scene together. As soon as I heard that the president was visiting Vietnam as part of a Southeast Asia swing, right away, I thought that would be perfect. No one knew, CNN were not aware of this, no one outside of my partners at [production company] Zero Point Zero knew, the camera people didn’t know. It was very, very tightly held for a long period of time.

I took the president to a family-run noodle shop [in] a very tight, old section of Hanoi. Very informal, working-class, inexpensive place, much beloved by locals. It is not the sort of venue that the Secret Service is used to working with, let’s put it that way. It was not an ideal security situation in their eyes, I’m sure, so it took a big leap of faith on the part of the president and the people around the president, and the Secret Service. We stuck with it. I just felt that the last thing I wanted to do was do some kind of a sit-down in a banquet room at the Hilton.

I have to say, the immediate effect in Hanoi was something I hadn’t anticipated at all. The locals were coming up to me the next day, having recognized me just from the tattoos on my arms in a photograph in the newspaper. Literally, with tears in their eyes, overjoyed, and in utter disbelief that the president of the United States had chosen to eat this uniquely Hanoi, local, working-class specialty [bún ch?, a dish of grilled pork and rice noodles]. I mean, it really touched them that he didn’t eat spring rolls, or pho, or sort of banquet food, that he went to a place that they were familiar with and loved and ate a dish that was very much “theirs” and theirs alone, and drank a Hanoi beer out of a bottle and sat on a low plastic stool. They couldn’t believe it. … Their voices would crack and they would start crying as they expressed their pride and astonishment that this had happened.

Anthony Bourdain shares a beer and a bowl of noodles with President Obama in Hanoi.
Anthony Bourdain shares a beer and a bowl of noodles with President Obama in Hanoi.

Q: And President Obama was reportedly very good at eating the noodles with chopsticks?

A: It’s not just noodles. … They’re cold, sticky rice noodles; even if you’re good with chopsticks, they’re tricky. As we discussed over dinner, the president spent a lot of time in Indonesia as a young man and is very sentimental about the street food from that part of the world. He’s no slouch when it comes to chopsticks. He looked very comfortable, very relaxed and very happy to be sitting on that plastic stool, and I believe he enjoyed that beer.

Q: So could you see yourself sharing a meal like that with either of the two [major party] presidential candidates in this election?

A: I would frankly be shocked if Donald Trump even knows how to use chopsticks or is even able to manipulate them with those tiny little fingers.

Q: Tell us about your cookbook “Appetites,” which goes on sale Oct. 25. It’s a look at recipes that are more suited to cooking with family?

A: It’s specifically targeted to people who cook at home, as I have been. It’s been a long time since I’ve cooked in restaurants. I bring sort of professional, organizational skills to very approachable food, the sort of thing I cook for a 9-year-old [his daughter, Ariane] with great pleasure. My tastes in what I eat at home would be very familiar to most people who cook for families. I just organize those things a little bit differently.

I also very much wanted to speak to the reader in a way that most cookbooks don’t. There’s always this assumption that you’re going to get everything right immediately. And any professional understands that that’s just not so. We learn as professionals by repetition, by getting it wrong, getting yelled at and doing it again. … I try to be honest in the book as far as reasonable expectations. I figured it’s worth admitting that when you give a Hollandaise recipe for instance, if it’s the first time you’re making Hollandaise you’re probably not going to get it right.

Q: What are some of your daughter’s favorite recipes? What do you like to cook for her?

A: She likes meatballs, or ragu, she loves schnitzel, she likes ratatouille, she enjoys the knife work involved of making perfect little dice. It’s terrifying to me to see her tiny little fingers working with a big chef’s knife, but she insists. So things that we can cook together, she likes very much.

Q: In recent years, you followed your family into Brazilian jiu-jitsu training. Is it difficult to discover such a physical sport later in life?

A: Oh, especially when you start at 57 as a chain smoker who’s never, ever been in a gym in their entire life. It’s far and away the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. … It’s a hard, physical and emotional thing. Most of the time, I’m fighting guys who are 22 years old, former college wrestlers, athletes, kids who are in much better shape than me. Often people who are much bigger and wider than me. It can be dispiriting at first. …

I like it, it makes me very happy, it’s an exercise in problem solving for me. It’s starting at the bottom of a very difficult skill. I don’t know, it’s gratifying to me in a way that I never anticipated.

Q: You’ve been an advocate for workers you’ve said have been the backbone of the restaurant industry, and you have warned against certain political stances on immigration and deportation. By that same measure, how do you feel about fights for a $15 minimum wage? How do you think restaurants will adapt?

A: Look, I think as a moral question, restaurant workers should get paid more. Very few restaurant workers could even dream of eating in the restaurants they work in. Many do not make a living wage. I support the idea, I think we should increase the minimum wage and I think $15 is a good beginning.

But I also think we should be honest about who is working in our kitchens. The fact of the matter is that, for years, the restaurant and service industry has been, to a great extent, built on the backs of often underpaid immigrants of often dubious legal status. That’s who’s doing it.

We should also acknowledge the reality that there’s an enormous difficulty. … If you go to chefs all across America and ask them, ‘What’s your biggest problem right now?,’ It is finding people to cook in their restaurants. They’re having an enormous, countrywide problem here staffing their operations.

Let’s at least be honest before we begin the discussion of who’re going to let in, how many, what do we do about the people who are already here. … Let’s at least acknowledge who is working in America right now and what our needs are, as well as the moral question of somebody who’s been here 20 years, paying taxes to which they probably do not receive a refund, and not committing any crimes, working hard, and supporting an industry. Shouldn’t there be some middle ground here? Shouldn’t there be a way for them to be welcome in this country?

Q: In a 2014 episode of “Parts Unknown,” you visited western Massachusetts, where you shed light on the area’s heroin epidemic. This has become even more of a crisis in the Northeast since the episode aired. Do you think authorities are doing everything they can to help? What else do you think could be done?

A: No, it’s monstrous the way we treat the drug problem in general, drug addiction specifically. On one hand we encourage and allow major pharmaceutical companies to openly hook vast sectors of our population on narcotics, and then we cut them off and throw them in jail, and moralize about it. It is clearly a huge, huge, and growing problem. … It’s devastating. We need to treat it as a health crisis, which it is, and stop moralizing.

This is a practical matter now. That is suddenly becoming clear as it increasingly affects white America. Before, it was easy to demonize people of color and say it’s a criminal problem. [Now] … chances are somebody on their football team in small-town Massachusetts has a problem, and when someone like that has a problem, when anyone in a family has a problem, it’s devastating to the whole family.

If we were honest, it is economically more sensible, it is morally right to treat this as a health problem. There are ways to stabilize it … methadone, for all of its faults, and there are many, certainly saved my life and got me off the streets. There are ways to address this problem if we have the heart and the will to do so.

Q: In past interviews, you’ve said that you’ve wanted to visit Myanmar, Congo, Cuba and Iran. You’ve done all of that in the past three years with “Parts Unknown.” Are there any more must-visit countries or areas that you’ve been unable to get to so far?

A: Well, Yemen has been a problem for obvious reasons. Afghanistan, I keep trying to get into, at least the north. Kashmir has been difficult, but I’m hoping to get to all of those places at some point.

I think the move to CNN [when “Parts Unknown” debuted in 2013] was enormously, enormously helpful. From the very beginning, they made it clear that they were willing to do anything they could to help me get to those places. They had experience and contacts who were really helpful to us. And, most importantly, the will. They didn’t shy away from sending me to difficult places. Venezuela is another place I’d like very much to go, which is proving very difficult. I have not been there to make a show and I’d like to, very much.

Q: What are some food trends that you’ve been grateful to see catch on the U.S.? And are there any trends you’d like to see die out forever?

A: Well, I’m really happy to see the explosion of interest in Korean food, and this hybrid Korean-American [food] … I’m really happy to see Filipino cuisine starting to really take hold outside of the Pinoy community. So those are really great things. As far as things that are really irritating to me, I think that’s the great thing about the restaurant business: Silly trends don’t last long. A lot of this nonsense that pops up, I don’t even really pay attention because it’ll be gone in a flash.

“The Hunger” comes to Foxwoods Resort Casino’s Grand Theater Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $32.50, $45.40, $70.50 and $245 for a VIP meet and greet session. VIP ticket holders will also receive a copy of Bourdain’s latest cookbook, “Appetites,” as well as a photo opportunity. Information: