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Billy Wayne Davis has opened for some of the greatest minds in contemporary comedy, such as Louis C.K. and Colin Quinn. He’s faced off intellectually against ace comedy interviewer Marc Maron and headlined important comedy festivals. The hip, literate Paste Magazine declared Davis’ self-titled 2012 release one of its Top Ten Comedy Albums of that year.

So you know Davis’ slow drawl, confused reactions and preternaturally calm delivery is all an act. Branded “the thinking man’s hillbilly,” Davis can hold his own against some of the sharpest wits in the nation. There’s a YouTube video of a Seattle comedy club patron hurling an ice cube at his head. Davis responds by turning the assault into a musing on cultural expectations: “Why did you throw ice at me? There’s racism in my jokes? … That’s confusing. With my accent, I can’t say certain words without people automatically saying ‘Oh, he’s from the South. That’s a racist right there.'” Listen in more closely. Davis’ feigned confusions concern the political correctness, the prison system, and other topics that lesser, non-“hillbilly” comics can’t maneuver with nearly the same skill. Davis headlines for three nights. Dec. 18-20, at Comix, on the Foxwoods Resort Casino grounds in Ledyard. $15-$40.

BILLY WAYNE DAVIS performs Dec. 18-20, at Comix, Foxwoods Resort Casino, Ledyard. $15-$40.